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Since 2005, Sol Raiz has played a vital role in educating the U.S Market place to the difference between Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon and Lepidium Meyenii Walpers. Both are sold as "maca," but only one is known as

Real Maca.



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  • What is Chacon Maca?
    Chacon Maca (Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon) is a centuries- old medicinal herb from Peru, found in specific High Andean plateaus above 14,000 ft. in elevation. It is a root vegetable with a hypocotyl that resembles a beet. Chacon Maca has been traditionally used by indigenous Peruvians of Incan and Quechua decent as a food staple with superior nutritional and therapeutic value. Today, Chacon Maca is used as a health supplement and recommended by conventional and holistic health practitioners for its adaptogenic benefits, increased energy and fertility, enhanced mood, decreasing anxiety, as an alternative to HRT (Kim Tower testimony), and more.
  • What does Chacon Maca taste like?
    Chacon Maca has a distinct aroma and flavor profile. Completely unique, although best described as a chocolate malt with notes of caramel and butterscotch. Slightly bitter to taste, but with a hint of graham cracker, Chacon maca is always preferred over any other variety of maca. This is in part due to a sui generis traditional gelatinization process that brings out its low glycemic sweet finish. We urge anyone to compare it side by side in a blind taste test to any other brand available to experience unmatched flavor. You’ll find it pairs best with smoothies, desserts, and hearty breakfast cereals or oatmeal.
  • How to use maca?
    It’s recommended to add Chacon Maca to any diet for optimal, single ingredient nutrition. We recommend starting with 1 teaspoon, blended or mixed well into desired recipe. Natural lipids tend to cause the maca to bind when simply added to cold liquids, so smoothies, mixed protein shakes or hot drinks are always the best bet to disperse the desired amount of powder. Although we recommend just a tsp., there is no real harm to ingesting more. As with any fibrous fruit or vegetable, way too much may cause a gassy digestive system. We urge you to get creative with maca. Dr. Chacon recommends one tsp. in the morning and 1 tsp. in the evening if you are looking to reverse a specific ailment. As a maintenance product, lessen the amount to 1 tsp. per day and if you're on the go, 2-4 capsules a day, minimum.
  • Are there different types of maca?
    There are 14 scientifically identified varieties of "maca" under the Lepidium genus. We offer 100% Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon, the only maca consumed and prized by the Incan empire. The other 13 were never consumed by the original indigenous cultivators of maca and were actually known as weeds. Unfortunately, and this is very unfortunate, but it is a blend of these other 13 that have made their way into the masterminded marketing schemes of even the most reputable herb companies delivery to the unassuming customer. Dr. Gloria Chacon, a world renowned biologist from Peru, is known for identifying the superior variety of maca: Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon. She was the first Scientist to locate and isolate the four maca alkaloids which effect the human HPA axis showing stimulation of sex hormones as well as over all glandular toning. Additionally, Chacon Maca was shown to act on the adrenal glands, further balancing hormones while releasing invigorating, natural energy and vitality, making this variety the only true medicinal and superfood variety of maca. The maca that has been the subject of her studies is derived from Sol Raiz' exclusive Single Estate source. Admittedly outmatched by larger, more established herb companies owned and operated by giant corporations, our grassroots marketing approach relies on those in-the-know who use our maca and feel the benefits. These companies are able to sway store buyers and staff along with health practitioners by making bogus claims of maca “colors” and “blends” in order to reach their projected sales forecast and bottom line. Chances are that since you’re here now, you are not easily swayed by glitz and glam and have come for the complete, transparent aspect of your health. It’s people like you with an unwavering commitment to realness who keep us going.
  • Is Sol Raiz Maca gelatinized or raw?
    Another testament to Sol Raiz quality, and aforementioned superiority, is that we are the only company who offers a traditionally gelatinized end product soup to nuts. Keep in mind that we have grown with our Growers. We do not aim to sell more than they can supply and we don’t urge them to rush the process. Traditional gelatinization is a huge component to an entire process that constitutes Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon. After harvest and withstanding a natural curing process (sun and freezing nights), the maca sits in warm water where the H2O molecules simply cancel out starches, making Chacon Maca over 99% absorbable. Large scale emissaries of standardized, Lepidium Meyenii Walpers, tend to use a flash pasteurization process, doing away with what little nutrients were there to start. Our simple yet effective gelatinization process ensures all nutrients- micro and macro, enzymes, 21 essential aminos and alkaloids are live and well. Click here to learn about Sol Raiz Maca's Traditional Gelatinization Process.
  • Is Sol Raiz maca grown with herbicides/pesticides?
    We can guarantee and assure our Chacon maca is grown without any herbicides or pesticides. Even without rigorous USDA organic certification scrutinization, the soil, watershed, wildlife and people below the mountainside are enough reason to stay 100% committed to sustainable farming practices. Hand picked harvest and sorting methods with with modern safety standards ensures the highest integrity product available. Glacier fed with reinforced nutrients from wild alpaca along with a minimum seven year wait on any previously cultivated plot of land maximizes total superfood absorption from some of the most nutrient rich soil on Earth. We believe that our partnership with the stewards of the Andes betters the norm in organic growing and cultivation methods, also attributing to a vital component of what it is to offer Chacon maca.
  • Is Sol Raiz Maca safe for consumption?
    Sol Raiz Chacon Maca is safe for consumption for all and has been recommended and now prescribed by MD’s and various health practitioners, both conventional and holistic. Check The Power of Sol Raiz Maca (page) by OB/GYN Broad Medical Group. It’s use without any limitations comes as it has repeatedly shown no negative or adverse affects used with other medicines or diet regiments. Furthermore, our source verification and astringent quality assurance standards exceed the norms for industry standards garnishing Chacon maca a reputation for a medicinal and therapeutic alternative medicine, by itself.
  • Who is Dr. Gloria Chacon?
    Dr. Gloria Chacon is a world renowned Scientist and Botanist. She is a Peruvian woman who began studying traditional and native foods of the Andes in the late 50’s and published her first body of research work in 1961. Until she focused her life’s work on the differentiation of Maca, it was believed all maca was Lepidium Meyenii Walpers, after a German scientist who named species of Maca from both Peru and Bolivia. It took Dr. Chacon's perseverance and scientific mind, along with the the generational dedication of the Castillo- Huerta families cultivars which withstood the test of time to arrive where they are today. The two together, have drawn a hard line as the true voice of authority when it comes to Maca as a whole. Sol Raiz has been honored to work directly with both families since 2006 where we have been exclusive partners to one and gained an exclusive endorsement from the other.
  • Does Maca grow outside of Peru?
    Sadly, “Chinese Maca” is unknowingly being sold and most likely, even promoted in your local health food store. More sadly, those promoting it may not know or have even considered such a thing as Maca is as Peruvian as apple pie is American. Additionally, besides blatant acts of bioterrorism, Chinese growers haven’t gone about their business in the most ethical ways. A 2015 article from The American Botanical Councils, Herbalgram: Peruvian Maca Smuggling, did a decent job of reporting but chose to cite quite a bit of maca info from a company we had to kindly ask to remove our photos they used on their website prior to visiting Peru themselves. Either way, we advise steering clear of Chinese maca and other Meyenii varieties grown in the lowlands of Bolivia and Peru alike. One region, known as Patcha, located in the high Peruvian Andes above 14,500 ft, puts out the undisputed best. Besides the taxonomic aspects, there is a cultural significance so important, we don’t feel at liberty to tell… unless you ask.
  • Do Maca colors play a role in functionality or quality?
    This question definitely depends on who you’re asking, as previously mentioned. We say that the skin color of maca does not play a significant role in quality or potency. The color of maca roots are not through and through, making it only skin deep. Potency is determined by species, growing altitude, process of harvesting and gelatinization, as well as mineral content of the soil. However, many companies have seemingly latched on to an idea that the color of the root plays a significant role in nutritional superiority and makes a dramatic difference for certain individuals, but we know that not to be true. Claims of blends for specific ages or health issues are inaccurate considering maca’s natural adaptogenic qualities. Dr. Gloria Chacon discovered there are no ecotypes or varieties based on the root colors. Her studies found a parent plant can produce a variety of color offspring. However, each color can present a higher presence of a specific nutrient (E.g. Yellow root: Vitamin A, Purple root: anthocyanin, Black or dark root: iron). Dr. Gloria Chacon recommends a blend of all colors for nutritional purposes and body balance. When the maca is cured, gelatinized and milled into powder, the only thing that matters is that it's Chacon by Sol Raiz. Our roots come in all colors: golden, black, purple and reds. Balance.
  • What role do the 4 alkaloids in Chacon Maca play?
    Adaptogenic properties. Chacon Maca alkaloids are scientifically proven to activate the HPA axis. By doing so, maca is helping tone the entire glandular system while replenishing the adrenal glands. Maca is an important ingredient to help restore homeostasis to the HPA axis.
  • Are there scientific studies behind Sol Raiz Maca?
    Sol Raiz got its start with the most extensive research done on maca given directly to us. When Sol Raiz was started in 2006, we already had been let in on the biggest secret that's still true all these years later: Not all maca is the same. Our exclusive partners were sitting on decades of knowledge conducted by Dr. Gloria Chacon but without a U.S Buyer willing to purchase heirloom maca at the farmers asking price, there was no voice or platform for the studies. Finally, after working together to build the company, Sol Raiz Organics was started and given direct access to all of Dr. Chacon's work that was conducted on our partner's plots of land, dedicated to heirloom seeds and traditional farming practices. The science is extensive and covers the technicalities of the root, soil and other taxonomic details. The other piece of the puzzle came with the cultural aspect such as knowledge of growing and processing along with harmonious cultivating techniques. There has been various studies such as this one from the Journal of Biomedicine backing Dr. Chacon's findings. We have since worked closely with Dr. Gloria Chacon's associates who helped corroborate in her findings. Around 2008, we visited the UC Berkeley Herbariums Dr. Paul Silva to inspect phenotypes left by Dr. Chacon as well as National Agrarian University of Lima where Dr. Chacon's studies are used as the basis of many ongoing studies.
  • What role does Sol Raiz play as purveyors of heirloom Maca?
    Sol Raiz is a company formed off integrity and respect for the environmental and cultural aspects of real maca. Our partner from the beginning has been the Castillo- Huerta family of Junin. Dr. Luis Oswaldo who has believed in our vision for responsible business from the beginning is the President of Ecological and Organic Maca for the Country of Peru and the first family to export maca out of Peru to Japan, creating an international market. Sol Raiz has exceeded Fair Trade practices by spending months out of the year in Peru with the family we work with employing more than 30 local families in what’s known as Peru’s poorest region. They work under some of the worlds harshest conditions (above 14,000 ft.) and year after year, dedicate themselves to the quality assurance behind Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon for Sol Raiz Organics' loyal customers. These aspects allow us to offer our friends and family an unparalleled product line that is USDA, NON-GMO, QAI and Source Verified. Sol Raiz has simply gained a reputation in the industry as the only U.S. company to offer a single estate sourced product free of any fillers (by fillers we mean everything from Lepidium Meyenii Walpers to rice flour and magnesium stearate). We're direct with the Grower, meaning we are free of any middlemen or Brokers that sell low quality “maca” in bulk to U.S. companies putting out a low quality product detrimental to the future of not only real maca, but the culture of the Pampas de Junin. Join us in our mission and become a purveyor of Chacon Maca. Find us at a leading quality health food store near you or buy direct at our online store here!
San Diego Life Guard Routine
Chacon Maca Estate
Junin, Peru
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